JUNO Learning Updates 2023-04-27

JUNO Learning Updates 2023-04-27

Release date: April 27th, 2023

This release includes enhancements for our learning management tools. 


SCORM Cloud logo image

Learning now supports SCORM content integration LEARNING

We are excited to announce the release of a new feature that allows Learning to pull SCORM content into courses. With this feature, users can use predefined SCORM lessons in their courses – Everything you need to know:

To integrate SCORM content into courses, a SCORM file needs to be processed by SCORM Cloud, and then SCORM Cloud sends the database the Course Title and Course ID. This information generates a link to the SCORM course, which is embedded in a lesson.

Choosing to create a SCORM course in Das Admin.

Once a SCORM course is created, we store in the database that it is a SCORM course. SCORM courses behave differently on the front end than non-SCORM courses. For example, lesson editing is locked in Das Admin, and learners interact with SCORM lessons in frames.

Registration is triggered when a user views the lesson iframe. We register user_id rather than email since email can change in our system.

Learners can interact with SCORM lessons via an iframe on the lesson home page. As a Client or Admin, learners' progress and score are synced from SCORM Cloud into the learning transcript, credit tracking, and analytics events.

What's new:

We've added a section that allows admin and instructors to convert an existing course to a SCORM course.

When you convert an existing course to SCORM, a warning is displayed explaining that lessons and lesson parts will be permanently deleted. The SCORM URL is a required field, and any existing lessons and lesson parts are removed from the course and deleted.

We are thrilled to offer this new feature to our clients, and we hope it makes creating and delivering courses even more efficient. Our team is always available to help you with any questions or concerns.



  • Learners on mobile devices now experience a full-screen modal that supports scrolling, allowing them to view the details of each CE with ease, dismiss it using the caret icon, scroll the list conveniently with a dark gray scroll bar, and experience sticky headers, stacked CE images, adjusted labels and buttons for improved usability.

  • Learners can now view and download their certificates by clicking the 'View Certificate' button in the Education Credit list container under the Claimed tab. It features a resizable overlay window with a downloadable PDF displaying the education credit name.



  • Resolved an issue where the In Progress tab did not display ongoing Continuing Education (CE) activities.

  • Fixed an issue with the case-sensitive search bar on the CE Credits page and not locating CE when searching for them.

  • Fixed an issue where users incorrectly saw an access level prompt when clicking into vnext courses from the course catalog or the vnext CE profile tab.