JUNO Learning Updates 2023-05-03

JUNO Learning Updates 2023-05-03

Release date: May 3rd, 2023

This release includes enhancements for our learning management tools. 


New Admin functionalities for CE Credits LEARNING

The latest update to the CE Credits feature in Das Admin has introduced some exciting new functionalities for admins. The addition of a "Credits" dropdown menu in the Connected Content tab now allows admins to easily track how credits are distributed across different pieces of content. Additionally, the Credit column helps to verify the accuracy of the maximum credits attached to a CE. Finally, the new “Threshold” column signifies the amount of content required to earn education credits. These new features promise to make the process of managing and verifying CE credits more streamlined and efficient.

Viewing Connected Content on the CE Credits page of Das Admin



  • Improved the logging format in the vnext API, making it easier to identify signals from static and allowing for efficient alert tuning. The feature is now also integrated into the designated slack channel.

  • Enhancements made to the Analytics report call by utilizing the existing API endpoint (createGeneratedReport), setting URL parameters through the filter option, report_path now included in the context option, and retaining the same URL link for the GeneratedReport object.

  • Fixed all firehouseActivity calls



  • Removed the Allow Partial Claim checkbox from Das Admin and the Course Editor because they are not yet usable.



  • Fixed issue where menu selections were visible behind headers in the Tags dropdown of CE Credits in Das Admin.

  • Corrected an issue where learners could claim CE without passing a course.

  • Fixed an issue where the claimable date for CE Credit was required when the release date field was filled out.

Prerequisites LEARNING

  • Increased the size of the Prerequisites creation box size to accommodate the Equivalents dropdown menu better.

  • Resolved an issue where learners could access courses requiring prerequisites without passing them. Now, learners can only access courses with prerequisites after passing the required prerequisite.

  • Fixed an issue where prerequisites added while creating a course were not connected to the associated item in the Prerequisites tab.


  • Fixed the issue where decimal numbers could be saved in the quantity field for retakes, and now only whole integers between 0-99 can be saved as expected.