JUNO Learning Updates 2023-01-12

JUNO Learning Updates 2023-01-12

Release date: January 12, 2023

This release includes enhancements for our learning management tools.


Courses Learning

  • Improved course pages with infinite scrolling, decreasing the loading time when searching for courses.

Course editor Learning

  • Admins can now copy and paste text into and from the answer field when creating a question.

  • An automatic naming convention has been implemented on lesson part titles to prevent content from being saved without them. For example, this helps users who might want to bulk-create questions and then go back and rename them later; No error occurs with an accidentally empty question title.


Courses learning

  • Removed points indicator for waitlisting a course as no points are allocated for waitlisting a course.


Courses Learning

  • Added additional padding at the bottom of each lesson so the progression buttons are always completely visible.

  • Additional padding has been added to the bottom of all lesson pages to ensure users can always see the buttons that allow them to progress through each course.

  • Updated question-answer text to wrap within the answer button instead of overflowing outside of it.

Course editor Learning

  • Updated lesson container descriptions to accurately display the content type within each lesson.

  • Updated the order of lesson parts to remain fixed while editing their contents.

  • The character limit for resource titles (256) is now enforced.

Enrollment Learning

  • Updated the text-based search to make the search results more accurate when adding learners to the enrollment tab.

  • Updated the enrollment list to pull from the waitlist when the course capacity increases.

  • Updated the add learners drop-down to pull users a few at a time to avoid issues that arose when trying to load all learners simultaneously.