JUNO Learning Updates 2023-06-30
Release date: June 30th, 2023
This release includes enhancements for our learning management tools.
New content filtering options in page builder Learning
Admins can now personalize course catalog pages through the Pagebuilder tool. This feature enables admins to create an ideal learning atmosphere for their students by organizing the course selection based on tags such as On-demand, Live, or Virtual, as well as user actions such as Enroll, Waitlist, and Completed. This powerful filtering feature ensures learners can easily access content that aligns with their interests and goals.
The updated Page Builder tab editing modal includes the comprehensive Filtering Content editing feature, allowing Admins to choose whether to filter for courses based on Tags or User Actions.
Using tags and user actions, admins can effortlessly curate the course selection to offer courses catering to different learning preferences, delivery formats, and learner statuses. This efficient method saves time by avoiding long searches and enables learners to access pertinent information effortlessly. The user interface smoothly incorporates this feature, simplifying navigation and facilitating learners' ability to find and engage with the most relevant content.
Courses Learning
The countdown bar for timed lessons is now positioned directly above the bottom nav for mobile users.
Changed the timer for timed lessons to always be visible.
Back-end work Platform
API caching is implemented in the framework to improve performance.
CE Learning
Added ability for Content Admin to assign Access Pass(es) to a Credit so that the user must have or purchase the Access Pass to claim the credit.
Reports Platform
Download option enabled in Das Admin for course reports.
SCORM Learning
Implemented the ability to import courses with a link to a SCORM course package using the Importer tool, allowing users to upload SCORM courses in bulk with the newly created import process for SCORM.
Reports Platform
Fixed issue where answers to Fill In The Blank questions were not showing on Reports.
Certificates Learning
Fixed the date container sizing issue where the end of the string would remain in visual range after setting a date and time, ensuring the entire date/time is displayed properly after setting and/or saving.
Courses Learning
Updated the system to show real-time learner responses for poll questions in quizzes, providing accurate answer percentages instead of placeholder values on the front end. JL-518
Vnext Learning had a duplicate instance of courses which was removed, and the issue is resolved. JL-
CE Learning
Fixed an issue with creating CE credits, resulting in an error snack notification, console error, and forever spinner.
Enrollment Learning
Fixed an issue where enrolled users through das admin were not updating the status on the front end.
SCORM Learning
Fixed the issue where users received an error message after exiting SCORM courses.