Edit users in Lé Admin
  • Edit users in Lé Admin

    This information is for internal use only, unless provided upon request.

    Create a new User

    Normally there are only two different Account Levels that you will need when creating an account:

    • 99 level: Allows full access to the Front End Tool (FET), Green Rooms (GR), and sessions that do not have special access tags.

    • 0 level: Restricts the user to regular access. They will not have FET or GR access unless they are set up as a Moderator, Speaker, or a Presenter. The Belongs To field is used to give special access to specific users for specific sessions when needed, instead of full access for every session.

    It’s best practice to enter data into each text box before saving. At a minimum, you should enter a First Name and Email.

    1. Log in to the desired Lé Admin sites.

    2. Scroll down and click Users under the Users section in the left nav bar.

    3. Use the bottom slider bar to display the topmost right-hand side of the page.

    4. Click the Add New Item button.

    5. Use the bottom slider bar to display the left-hand side of the page.

    6. Click the textbox below each column header to add content to the newly created User line.

      • If you already have an encrypted password (MD5 Hash) you can paste it in the Password field. Otherwise, you can leave it blank and click forgot password when you’re at the site login screen.

      • You can also leave XP, Coins, Reports, and Client ID as default.

    7. Click the cloud icon for Avatar and Icon to upload a profile picture (refer to Image sizes for file specifications).

    8. Click the Belongs To or Tags notepad icon to add special access.

      1. Belongs To will allow a user to be giving moderator/editor rights depending on the Role and Level

        1. Click the plus icon to create a new line.

        2. Use the dropdown menu for Content to select the desired room, cohort, partner, or speaker.

        3. Select the desired role by clicking the textbox below Role.

        4. Enter 2 for a Presenter or 3 for a Moderator in the Level textbox.

    9. Click Save & Close.

    10. Use the Tags edit field to grant access to a session with special access tags.

      1. Click the plus icon to create a new line.

      2. Use the Child dropdown list to select the desired tag (might need to set the Declared value to 1).

      3. Click Save and Close after you are done adding tags.

    11. Click Save on the Edit Users screen.

    Alternatively after step 4, you can click edit and accomplish everything in scrollable popup window

    Check Account Level

    You can check or change a user’s account level to give them different permissions.

    1. Log in to the desired Lé Admin sites.

    2. Click Users in the left nav bar.

    3. Use the bottom slider bar to display the topmost right-hand side of the page.

    4. Click the second dropdown box (which is defaulted to Id) and select Email.

    5. Enter the email of the account in question in the textbox to the right and click search.

    6. Review the Account Level (you may need to scroll over to the left to see it). Change it to 0 for basic user permissions or 99 for site admin permissions.

    7. Use the Belongs To section to verify a speaker or moderator is attached to the correct session.

    Check for multiple accounts

    There will be times when someone has more than one account. Normally when this happens it is because a site admin wants to be able to see the site as a basic user and admin. Or they have been entered twice into the system using different email addresses by mistake.

    1. Log in to the desired Lé Admin sites.

    2. Click the Users subsection in the left nav bar.

    3. Use the bottom slider bar to display the topmost right-hand side of the page.

    4. Click the second dropdown box (which is defaulted to Id) and select Last Name.

    5. Enter the name in the textbox to the right and click search.

    6. If more than one line is displayed, verify with the user which email address they are using to log in with.

    Check user tags

    1. Log in to the desired Lé Admin sites.

    2. Click the Users subsection in the left nav bar.

    3. Use the bottom slider bar to display the topmost right-hand side of the page.

    4. Click the second dropdown box (which is defaulted to Id) and select Email.

    5. Enter the email of the account in question in the textbox to the right and click search.

    6. Click the Tags edit icon and verify the entries. Or add tags by clicking the “+” icon.

    Check Belongs To

    User “Belongs To” is used to link speakers or moderators to specific sessions.

    1. Log in to the desired Lé Admin sites.

    2. Click the Users subsection in the left nav bar.

    3. Use the bottom slider bar to display the topmost right-hand side of the page.

    4. Click the second dropdown box (which is defaulted to Id) and select Email.

    5. Enter the email of the account in question in the textbox to the right and click search.

    6. Click the Belongs To edit icon. Add a session to link the user to it as a speaker/moderator.

    Ban / Unban

    The ban feature is used to remove a user’s access to the site. This can also be used to disable a duplicate account, without having to delete it.

    1. Log in to the desired Lé Admin sites.

    2. Click the Users subsection in the left nav bar.

    3. Use the bottom slider bar to display the topmost right-hand side of the page.

    4. Click the second dropdown box (which is defaulted to Id) and select a constraint to search for the user. (For example, by last name.)

    5. Click the check box under Banned ban or unban the user.

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