JUNO Learning Updates 2023-06-26

JUNO Learning Updates 2023-06-26

Release date: June 26th, 2023

This release includes enhancements for our learning management tools. 


Updates to Access Passes - Everything you need to know. Learning

Access Passes allow admins to integrate eCommerce and other requirements into their courses, content, and CE.

No longer associated with Access Tags and Le Admin, admins can now add and manage which learners are granted access passes through the new two-column table at the bottom of each access pass within Das Amin. This section functions similarly to the Add Learners section in the course builder’s Enrollment tab.

Admins can add learners through the Grant Access Pass to Users drop-down under the Users with this Access Pass section and remove those who already possess the pass by using the close icon to the right of each learner displayed.

Adding learners to an Access Pass.

Continue to manage access passes and access to course previews through the Rules section on the course information pages within the course builder.

Adding an Access Pass to a Course.

Adding Access Passes to continuing education credits.

Add access pass functionality to any CE Credit by enabling the Restrict Claiming by Access Pass toggle under the rules section on the CE Credit page. Once the toggle is activated, an Access Pass drop-down menu appears where admins can search for and add the access pass.

For learners, the claim process begins on their CE Dashboard's Ready to Claim section. When learners attempt to Claim any credit associated with an access pass, they will either be prompted with purchase options or additional instructions to acquire the access pass, depending on how the admin has set up the access pass. Once the learner has fulfilled their obligation to acquire the access pass, or if a learner has already been granted the access pass, the claim button will update to Claimed and appear under the Claimed section of their Dashboard.


Mobile app Platform

  • Removed Vnext Analytics and Course Editor functionality from devices under a specific screen size and in the Cordova app while ensuring support for the Safari browser on iPad Pro remains intact.

Back-end work Platform

  • Updated the access pass schema to establish a connection between access passes and learners, associated price levels with the learners, and eliminated the association between the access passes and tags to enable the attachment of a product to a single access pass per course, CE, or content.

  • Enhanced the integration between vNext and vNow platforms by automatically updating the legacy vNow Platform record on the back-end with necessary information (vnow_url and vnow_key) whenever a relationship is established, ensuring smooth communication and synchronization.

  • Performed a database migration for Price Level Tag Type and Default Tag.

Basic analytics Platform

  • Resolved learning data reporting inconsistencies between exported data and Widget results on the Analytics Dashboard.


Mobile app Platform

  • Added padding to accommodate native keyboard for Fill In The Blank questions for learning courses.

  • Implemented a feature that requires learners to press and hold a ranking answer within the list to move it, preventing accidental movement while scrolling and enabling deliberate movement through touch.

Das admin Platform

  • Fixed an issue where some styling was lost once the side nav became scrollable.

Certificates Learning

  • Fixed issue where Certificates were not showing the correct education credit name.