REUSE - Admin Clone Courses

REUSE - Admin Clone Courses

You can now duplicate courses and avoid the hassle of creating similar courses from scratch, streamlining your workflow and saving time with the new Clone Course button.

Cloning a course in the Course Editor.

Cloning a course

  1. Locate the CLONE COURSE button placed on the left side of RECALCULATE GRADES within the course information tab in Das Admin and the Course Editor

  2. Fill out the Clone Course modal: When you select the CLONE COURSE button, you'll be presented with a user-friendly interface that includes:

An editable Text Field for Course Title: This field will automatically populate with the course name from which you selected the CLONE COURSE button, prefixed with ‘CLONE -.'

Example: CLONE - Learning from Drones

An editable Text Field for Course Slug: The slug is auto-generated from the title, always lowercase letters, with spaces replaced by underscores, and doesn't allow for special characters.

  1. Select the CLONE COURSE Button to complete the cloning process.

What is cloned

  • Course information: Title (with CLONE - prefix), Slug (with CLONE - prefix), Course Preview Text (Description), Body, Instructors, Passing %, Number of credits, Enrollment capacity, Prerequisites, Tags, Require Enrollment Requests (Restrict enrollment), Images, Video URL, Access Passes.

  • All lesson information: Title, Slug, Preview text, Description, Image, Graded lesson, Passing %, Timed lesson checkbox, hh:mm:ss (timed lesson), Allow retakes checkbox, Allow retakes, Quantity, Lesson parts.

  • All question information: Title, Description, Type, Score, Answer text, Correct checkbox, Min (rating), Max (rating), Increment (rating).

  • All video information: Title, File, URL, % Required to watch.

  • All blurb information: Title, Description.

  • All resource information: Title, Description, File, Image.

What is not cloned

  • Course information: Dates, Attached Education Credits, Enrollment information.