Windows 11 Solutions

Windows 11 Solutions

Resync Bluetooth device

  1. Open up Bluetooth settings

  2. Under Audio select your Bluetooth device

  3. Click Remove Device

  4. Click Add Bluetooth device or other device

  5. Make sure your device is turned on and discoverable.

  6. Select your Bluetooth device below when it pops up

Windows issues

Check windows volume slider

  1. Click the speaker icon (lower right corner)

  2. Make sure the volume slider is not turned all the way down

Check that the right input & output device is selected

  1. Right click the speaker icon and select Sound settings

  2. Under the |Output| section make sure the correct device is selected

  3. Under the |Input| section make sure the correct device is selected

Close any other application that might be using the Camera/Mic

  1. Open Task Manager

  2. Close any other applications that might be using the camera, then reload the webpage

Check your antivirus settings

  1. Go to your antivirus settings

  2. Look for settings that block access to your camera or permission to use your camera

  3. Make sure the antivirus isn't blocking access to your camera

Antivirus Blocking Camera: 8 Ways to Fix

Check for Windows updates

  1. Type in the search bar: Check For Updates

  2. Click Check For Updates

If there are any updates install them.

Check if your output is disabled in sound settings

  1. Right click the speaker icon and select Sound setting

  2. Scroll down and click More sound settings

  3. Select the Playback tab

  4. Make sure the device is not disabled

Run the audio troubleshooter

  1. In the windows search bar type: Troubleshoot settings

  2. Open Troubleshoot settings

  3. Click Additional troubleshooters

  4. Click Playing Audio

  5. Click Run the troubleshooter

Restart the Windows audio services

  1. In the Windows search bar type: Services

  2. Open services

  3. Scroll down to Windows Audio Endpoint Builder

  4. Click Restart the service

Restarting the Windows Audio Endpoint Builder will automatically restart other dependent services

Restart Windows

  1. Right Click the Windows logo to the bottom left

  2. Select Shut down or sign out

  3. Click Restart

Camera issues

Allow access to camera on this device & Allow desktop apps to access your camera toggles set to ON

  1. Click Start

  2. Select Settings

  3. Select Privacy

  4. Select Camera

  5. In |Allow access to the camera on this device| section make sure the toggle is set to On

  6. In |Allow desktop apps to access your camera| section make sure the toggle is set to On

Re-install camera

  1. Type in the windows search bar: Device Manager

  2. Open Device Manager

  3. Click "Cameras" (Will open the cameras drop down)

  4. Right click the camera

  5. Click "Uninstall device" (Uninstall device menu will appear)

  6. Click "Uninstall"

  7. Click "Action" at the very top of device manager

  8. Click "Scan for hardware changes"

Microphone issues

Check the correct source is selected

  1. Click the three vertical dots next to the Screen Share icon in Juno Live Session

  2. Click Settings

  3. Select the Headset Mic from the Choose Microphone drop down list

Enable Show Disabled Devices & Show Disconnected Devices

  1. In the Windows search bar type: Sound

  2. Click Sound Settings

  3. Click Sound Control Panel (Under Related Settings to the far right)

  4. Click the Recording Tab

  5. Right click anywhere

  6. Enable Show Disabled Devices & Show Disconnected Devices (A check mark will show if they are enabled)

Check if your input is disabled in sound settings

  1. Right click the speaker icon and select Sound setting

  2. Scroll down and click More sound settings

  3. Select the Recording tab

  4. Make sure the device is not disabled

Set Allow access to microphone on this device & Allow desktop apps to access your microphone to on

  1. Select Start

  2. Select Settings

  3. Select Privacy

  4. Select Microphone

  5. In |Allow access to the microphone on this device| section make sure the toggle is set to On

  6. In |Allow desktop apps to access your microphone| section make sure the toggle is set to On

Unmute your microphone

  1. Right click the windows volume icon

  2. Click sounds

  3. Click the recording tab

  4. Right click the microphone and select properties

  5. Click the levels tab

  6. Click the volume icon to unmute your microphone

Increase microphone input level

  1. Right click the windows volume icon

  2. Click sounds

  3. Click the recording tab

  4. Right click the microphone and select properties

  5. Click the levels tab

  6. Click and drag the microphone slider up

Re-install microphone

  1. Right click the Windows icon and select Device Manager

  2. Click "Audio inputs and outputs" (Will open up a drop down)

  3. Right click the Microphone

  4. Click "Uninstall device" (Uninstall device menu will appear)

  5. Click "Uninstall"

  6. Click "Action" at the very top of device manager

  7. Click "Scan for hardware changes"

Update microphone driver if available

  1. Open device manager

  2. Double Click Audio inputs and outputs

  3. Right-click Microphone

  4. Select Update Driver.

  5. Click Search automatically for updated driver software, and then wait for Windows to update the drivers