Manage polls
Who has moderation permissions? |
Moderators, speakers, and site admins. |
Activate a poll
Polls are created before the session goes live. Then you can select them during the session to activate them.
Select the ‘Polls’ tab in the chat window area.
Click on ‘Choose a question to send….’
Select the question you would like to submit from the dropdown.
Enter the amount of time (in seconds) that you want the question to be up for.
Click ‘Send.’
Respond to poll
Once the poll is live, you can click on the option(s) you want to answer.
Remove a poll
Click on the red triangle symbol next to the question.
Click ‘Remove Question.’
End poll question early
Click on the red triangle symbol next to the question.
Click ‘End Question.’
View poll results
Wait until the poll has ended.
On the left side of the possible answers, there will be percentages showing what percentage of the responses belonged to which solution.