REUSE - Everyone - Session Emojis

In sessions, you can use reaction emojis to express your feelings to speakers, presenters, and other audience members. Here's how to use them:

Open the Reaction Menu

  • Select the emoji icon at the bottom center of your screen during the session.

Interacting with the Reaction menu in session.

Choose Your Emoji

The emoji menu will appear with the following options:

  • Love 2024-07-25_18-53-06.png

  • Thumbs up 2024-07-25_18-53-18.png

  • Clap 2024-07-25_18-53-24.png

  • Celebrate 2024-07-25_18-53-34.png

  • Laugh 2024-07-25_18-53-40.png

  • Surprised 2024-07-25_18-53-46.png

  • Thinking 2024-07-25_18-53-52.png

  • Crying 2024-07-25_18-53-57.png

  • Thumbs Down 2024-07-25_18-54-04.png

React in the Session

  • Select an emoji to react. Your selected emoji will float upward onto the screen, visible to both the speaker and other audience members.

2024-07-25_18-44-03 copy (1).gif
What the audience and speakers see when many audience members react.

When multiple people react simultaneously, the emojis cluster together, creating a big group reaction effect.

Enjoy using emojis to engage with the session and share your reactions in real time!