Profile how-to

Profile how-to

Log in to your account

See Log in to your account for instructions.

Log Out

  1. Click avatar icon in the upper right-hand corner

  2. Scroll to bottom of page and click ‘LOGOUT’

Change your password

Recommended to have a capital letter, 8 characters, and a special character

  1. Select on your profile icon.

  2. Select “My Information”.

  3. Under “Basic Information” enter and confirm a new password.

  4. Scroll to the bottom and select “Save.”

Add Profile Picture (Avatar)

  1. Login to account

  2. Click avatar icon in the upper right-hand corner

  3. Click ‘+’ to the left of ‘Upload Your Avatar’

  4. Use the popup window to browse your computer for the desired image

  5. Select the image and click open (recommended size of 500x500)

  6. Scroll to bottom of page and click ‘SAVE’

Set Away Dates

  1. Login to account

  2. Click avatar icon in the upper right-hand corner

  3. Scroll down to ‘My Availability’

  4. Click ‘ADD NEW DATE’

  5. Click in ‘Choose a date’ text box

  6. Manually edit the date or use the popup calendar below the text box

  7. Click Apply

  8. Verify the dates and click ‘ADD AWAY DATE’

  9. Scroll to bottom of page and click ‘SAVE’

Remove Away Dates

  1. Login to account

  2. Click avatar icon in the upper right-hand corner

  3. Scroll down to ‘My Availability’

  4. Click ‘X’ to the right of the desired Away Date you wish to remove

  5. Scroll to bottom of page and click ‘SAVE’

Change Availability

  1. Login to account

  2. Click avatar icon in the upper right-hand corner

  3. Scroll down to ‘My Availability’

  4. Click the dropdown under ‘Online at’

  5. Select the desired time

  6. Click the dropdown under ‘Offline at’

  7. Scroll to bottom of page and click ‘SAVE’

Check CME Progress

  1. Login to account

  2. Click avatar icon in the upper right-hand corner

  3. Click CME

  4. Click the desired course

  5. Select content from the popup

  6. Complete the required content

Claim CME

  1. Login to account

  2. Click avatar icon in the upper right-hand corner

  3. Click CME

  4. Click CLAIM and Answer any question(s) that are displayed

  5. Click ‘Save & Continue’