Live sessions how-to for speakers and moderators

Live sessions how-to for speakers and moderators

Once you are on the session page, you will be able to watch/hear the presentation and participate in chat.

Your video and audio

Turn on/off Microphone

Click on the ‘Audio’ button in the lower left corner.

Turn On/Off Camera

Click on the ‘Video’ button in the lower left corner.

Share Your Desktop

When sharing you will only see 'Publishing Your Desktop'. Every on else will see what you are sharing instead

If you are sharing a video with audio, you must select a Chrome tab, and check the ‘Share audio’ box in the lower left corner of the dialog.

  1. Click on the ‘Share Desktop’ button in the lower left corner

  2. Select the appropriate tab along the top: ‘Your Entire Screen,’ ‘Application Window,’ or ‘Chrome Tab.’

  3. Within each tab you will have options for which screen, application, or tab to share.

  4. Select the desired option and click the share button.

End Desktop Share

Click on the ‘Share Desktop’ button again.

Change Camera or Microphone

  1. Click the ‘More' button in the lower left corner to the right of the share icon.

  2. Click settings.

  3. Select Audio or Video.

  4. Choose the sources from the dropdowns you would like to use.

  5. Click the ‘SAVE’ button to accept your changes.

Return to Attendee View

  1. Click on the ‘More’ button

  2. Click Leave

  3. Click Continue Watching

This will remove you from the presentation, but you will still be able to watch and interact with chat.


Interact with attendees

Send to Breakouts

  1. Click on the ‘More’ button

  2. Click ‘Moderate’

  3. Enter a ‘Breakout Duration (minutes)’ - This is how long the breakouts will last

  4. Enter a ‘Room Capacity’ - This is how many attendees will be put into each room before creating another

  5. Select either ‘Prioritize by Tags’ or ‘Assign Randomly’

View Breakouts

  1. Select ‘View Breakouts’

  2. This will show you how many rooms there are, and how many attendees are in each room

  3. Selecting one of the rooms will send you into it

  4. Select ‘View Breakouts’ again

  5. Select ‘Return to “Your Session”’ to return to the main room

Retrieve from Breakouts

  1. Select ‘Retrieve’ in the top right corner

  2. Confirm your selection

Raise hand

  1. Click on the hand under the red triangle

  2. Click Allow to give the attendee the ability to come on screen

  3. To remove attendees from the screen click their name and select Stop Publishing

Send Emojis

Click on the emoji you wish to send in the bottom right corner of the presentation. The emoji will then float up and be visible to everyone in the session.

Send A Chat Message

  1. Select the ‘Chat’ tab in the chat window area.

  2. Type your message over ‘Type here’ at the bottom of the chat window.

  3. Press ‘Send’ or hit your ‘Enter’ key.

Countdown timer

Check Remaining Greenroom Time

Check Remaining Live Session Time

A timer with the word Live shows the time remaining until the end of the session. Find it in two locations:

  • In the top right corner above the chat panel. (You can only see it there if you have backstage permissions.)

  • Scroll down to the bottom right corner below the presentation. (Anyone can see it there.)

If the timer reaches zero, don’t worry! The session does not close. Everyone remains in the session, and the timer begins counting up, showing how much time has passed since the official end of the session.

Find the timer above the chat panel.

Scroll down to find another timer.

Moderate video and audio

Remove Video and Audio from Screen

  1. Click the name in the desired presentation screen

  2. Click unpublish

Mute and Unmute Presenter's audio

  1. Click the name in the desired presentation screen

  2. Click Mute audio or Unmute audio

Mute Individual Speaker

  1. Right-Click inside the speaker's live view box

  2. Click 'show controls'

  3. Click the volume icon to mute speaker

Unmute Individual Speaker

  1. Right-Click inside the speaker’s live view box

  2. Click 'show controls'

  3. Click the volume icon to unmute speaker

Disable and Enable Presenter’s Video

  1. Click the name in the desired presentation screen

  2. Click Disable Video or Enable Video

Send everyone back to the home page

You can send everyone back to the home page to conclude the session.

  1. Select the 3 dots icon in the session control bar.

  2. Select Stop All.

  3. Select Stop All again to confirm the action.

  4. Everyone in the session sees a pop-up message: “The session was ended by a moderator.” Once they select Ok, they return to the home page.

Moderate chat

Delete Message

  1. Click on the red triangle symbol to the right of the message.

  2. Click on ‘Remove Message’.

Kick User

  1. Click on the red triangle symbol to the right of the message.

  2. Click on ‘Kick User’.

Ban User

  1. Click on the red triangle symbol to the right of the message.

  2. Click on ‘Kick + Ban User.’


Submit Question to Q&A with Moderation off

  1. Select the ‘Q&A’ tab in the chat window area.

  2. Type your message over ‘Type here’ at the bottom of the Q&A window.

  3. Press ‘Send’ or hit your ‘Enter’ key.

Submit Question to Q&A with Moderation on

  1. Select the ‘Q&A’ tab in the chat window area.

  2. Type your message over ‘Type here’ at the bottom of the Q&A window.

  3. If you desire to hide your name, select Ask Anonymously

  4. Press ‘Send’ or hit your ‘Enter’ key.

  5. Click Post Question or Ask Presenter to allow the question to be published

Vote for Question in Q&A

Click on the ‘Thumb’ underneath the question.

Ask Presenter a Question

  1. Click the ‘Chat bubble’ next to the question.

  2. Select ‘Ask the presenter.’

Mark a Question as ‘Answered’

  1. Click the ‘Chat bubble’ next to the question.

  2. Select ‘Mark as answered.’

Add an Answer to a Question

  1. Click the ‘Chat bubble’ next to the question.

  2. Select ‘Add answer’

  3. Enter the answer in the text box that appears immediately below the question.

  4. Click ‘Send’

This will do two things:

  • Show your response as text below the question along with your name.

  • Mark the question as ‘Answered.’


Activate a Poll

  1. Select the ‘Polls’ tab in the chat window area.

  2. Click on ‘Choose a question to send…’

  3. Select the question you would like to submit from the dropdown.

  4. Enter the amount of time (in seconds) that you want the question to be up for.

  5. Click ‘Send.’


Respond to Poll

Once the poll is live, you can click on the option(s) you want to answer with.

Remove Poll Question

  1. Click on the red triangle symbol next to the question.

  2. Click ‘Remove Question.

End Poll Question Early

  1. Click on the red triangle symbol next to the question.

  2. Click ‘End Question.’

View Poll Results

  1. Wait until the poll has ended.

  2. On the left side of the possible answers there will be percentages showing what percentage of the responses belonged to which answer.