An activity report logs each action users took on. You can download one for individual content pages or for the whole site. In this guide, we define the terms you’ll see on the report.
How to use this page
[SRCREENSHOT of CSV with category, action, label highlighted]
Explain that we are looking at these 3 columns. Point out the user info and the date briefly
Explain that in the examples below, some information is static; the work “review” will be the word “review” in your report. But other information is an example of dynamic information that’s pulled into the report'; the text “great session!” is example text from a review. But it will look different in your report, depending what the user wrote, or blank if they wrote nothing.
Activities (A-Z)
Category | Action | Label |
A user earned credits on a piece of content. finish this sentence
Category | Action | Label |
A user downloaded or claimed credits on a piece of content. finish this sentence
Category | Action | Label |
A user sent a message in the chat panel, such as in a session. The content is not identified. The report pulls the full text of the message (label).
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked on a piece of content from a module or the schedule (action). The report pulls the slug of the piece of content (label).
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked on meta data, like a social media link. The report pulls the URL of the meta data.
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
The user left a comment in the comments section on a content page. does this include feed and forum? The report pulls the text of their comment (label).
Create Account
Category | Action | Label |
The user created an account.
Dialog open
Category | Action | Label |
The user opened the Moderate dialog in a live session.
Category | Action | Label |
The user downloaded an analytics report. The report lists the report name (label).
Category | Action | Label |
The user downloaded a resource. The report lists the resource title (label).
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked the Like button on a piece of content. The report lists the content name.
Hand (Raise, Lower)
Category | Action | Label |
The user raised their hand to ask to speak in a session.
Category | Action | Label |
After raising their hand, the user canceled their request to speak in the session.
Category | Action | Label |
Poll - [Question name] | Question | [Selected answer] |
Rating - [Question name] | Question | [Selected number] |
The user answered a question on a content page. The report lists the question type and name (category) along with the user’s answer (label).
Category | Action | Label |
The user left a review for a session. The report pulls the number of stars given (category) and the text response (label).
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked a link that directed them to another page within the platform. The report lists the page slug.
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked a link that directed them to a page outside of the platform. The report lists the URL.
Schedule (Start, Complete)
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Session (Attend, Joined, Left)
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked the Attend button on a session to add it to their schedule. Includes public sessions and private meetings (1:1 meetings). The report pulls the name of the session (label).
Category | Action | Label |
The user entered a session while it was live. Includes public sessions, sub-breakouts, and private meetings. The report pulls the name of the session (label). Note that the label for sub-breakouts looks like this: Breakout from [Session name] [#ID].
Category | Action | Label |
The user left a session. Includes public sessions, sub-breakouts, and private meetings. The report pulls the name of the session (label). Note that the label for sub-breakouts looks like this: Breakout from [Session name] [#ID].
Talk Now (Requested, Accepted, Canceled)
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked the Talk Now button to call another user.
Category | Action | Label |
The user accepted a call from the Talk now button. Clarify this doesn’t list the user. Clarify the anonymous stuff for exhibitors
Category | Action | Label |
Track (Started, Next)
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked the Start button to begin a course. The report lists the track name.
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked the Next button to go to the next lesson in a course. The report lists the lesson name.
Update Details
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked the Save button to update their personal profile. The report lists the user’s name.
View Content
Category | Action | Label |
The user viewed a piece of content. Note that for sessions, viewing only happen when the session is upcoming or past. When the session is live, users join the session instead. The report lists the content name.
Category | Action | Label |
View Notifications
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked a notification. The report lists the notification text.
View Leaderboard
Category | Action | Label |
The user opened the leaderboard.
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked on another user in the leaderboard to open the quick profile. The report lists the viewed user’s name.
View Users
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked on another user to open the quick profile. This applies to anywhere on the platform except for the leaderboard. The report lists the viewed user’s name.
[EXAMPLE with Screenshot]
Category | Action | Label |
After opening another user’s quick profile, the user clicked the View Full Profile button to open their full profile. The report lists the viewed user’s name.
[EXAMPLE with Screenshot]
Watched, Progress
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |