Course grading (New JUNO LMS)
Learners can pass or fail a graded course and earn course credits. This article explains how points for questions and passing percentages work.
You can also share this information with learners in a simplified guide made just for them:
Question types
Multiple Choice
Has at least one unique answer defined as correct. There can be multiple correct answers. The learner selects one or more answers from a list.
Note that multiple choice includes questions that have one correct answer or multiple correct answers. In the legacy JUNO LMS, there were two question types, multiple choice and select many. These have been combined into one multiple choice question type in the new JUNO LMS.
Has no correct answer. The learner can select one answer from a multiple choice list. Best for collecting user data or opinions.
Fill In the Blank
The learner types an answer in an empty text box. There is no correct answer.
The learner sorts a series of answers. There is no correct answer.
This question type was called order in the legacy JUNO LMS.
The learner picks a numerical value along a scale. There is no correct answer. The scale is set by the question creator with a minimum value, maximum value, and increment. For example, a scale with Min: 0 Max: 10 Increment: 2
would appear as 0 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10
Learners earn points for questions
Learners can earn points when they answer questions.
Multiple choice questions are worth points if you answer correctly. At this time, points are “all or nothing.” If learners select the right answer they get full points. If they select the wrong answer they get no points. For questions with multiple correct answers, they must select every correct answer.
All other question types are worth points for participation. These questions don’t have defined right and wrong answers at this time, so learners earn full points as long as they interact with (answer) the question. Because of this, we don’t recommend using these question types for graded quizzes at this time.
Passing or failing
Grades are calculated for each lesson within a course, then those grades are averaged to determine the grade for the whole course. To pass, learners' grades must meet or exceed the set passing percentage.
A lesson grade is calculated like this: Sum of points earned / Total points possible = %. If the grade meets or exceeds the set passing percentage, the learner passes. If not, they fail the lesson. The default passing percentage is 0%.
Lessons set to 0% aren’t included in the total course grade calculation, so if you want a lesson to count, make sure to set a passing percentage.
A course grade is calculated using the average of all lesson grades. If the grade meets or exceeds the set passing percentage, the learner passes. If not, they fail the course. The default passing percentage is 60%.
Learners who pass the course receive course credit points. You can define how many points each course is worth.
How do learners know if they passed?
Learners get a pop-up notification when they complete a graded lesson or course, letting them know if they passed or failed.
Set up grading
At this time, grading setup is not available through the front-end editor. The Client team will provide information through the JUNO importer to be imported into the database.