Locating the certificates page

  1. Das Admin

  2. Site admin dashboard

Creating a new certificate

  1. Look for the Create a New Certificate button at the top of the certificates list from Das Admin's Certificate page or the site admin dashboard's Certificate section.

  2. Once Selected, the New Certificate creation window opens, allowing you to give your certificate a Title and choose between the Default Certificate Template or creating a Custom HTML Certificate in the Certificate Type dropdown.


For example, selecting the DEFAULT CERTIFICATE TEMPLATE option will allow you to customize a pre-set template with a default design layout. This choice will display a particular view on the Certificate Information tab, reflecting the selected template's configuration.

For example, selecting the DEFAULT CERTIFICATE TEMPLATE option will allow you to customize a pre-set template with a default design layout. This choice will display a particular view on the Certificate Information tab, reflecting the selected template's configuration.

  1. Select the Create Certificate button to finish the initial setup of your certificate.

Customizing a default certificate template

This option enables you to generate certificates using our default settings while still giving you the flexibility to control the visibility of elements like the background image and variables such as the user name or completion date.

Certificate Information tab

  • Images uploaded should have an aspect ratio of 8:10 (Width: Height) to ensure a proper fit.

  • The maximum allowed file size for the background image is 10 MB.

  • Supported Image File Types

    • The certificate system supports the following image file types to maintain consistency and compatibility:


Ensure you select the Save button that will populate in the right-hand corner once any changes have been made to save them.

Customizing an HTML certificate template

This option lets you personalize an HTML certificate using a template already loaded. This means you can create your certificate by utilizing custom HTML and CSS. You can also incorporate merge variables to include dynamic content in your design.

  1. Customize the Certificate Information tab as described above, including Title and Description.

  2. Utilize the HTML Content section to modify the preloaded default HTML.

  3. To pull dynamic data into certificates, utilize the Dynamic Variables section and the predefined variables, such as Learner name, completion date, and credits earned.