An activity report logs each action users took on . You can download one for individual content pages or for the whole site. In this guide, we define the terms you’ll see on the report.
How to use this page
[SRCREENSHOT of CSV with category, action, label highlighted]
Explain that we are looking at these 3 columns. Point out the user info and the date briefly
Explain that in the examples below, some information is static; the work “review” will be the word “review” in your report. But other information is an example of dynamic information that’s pulled into the report'; the text “great session!” is example text from a review. But it will look different in your report, depending what the user wrote, or blank if they wrote nothing.
Activities (A-Z)
Accumulative Content
Category | Action | Label |
this wasn’t in the dev 2.3 report? only in trav’s
Category | Action | Label |
A user sent a message in the chat panel, such as in a session. The content is not identified. The report pulls the full text of the message (label)
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked on a piece of content from either a LIBRARY, SLIDE, or the schedule (action). The report pulls the slug of the piece of content (label).
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked on meta data, like a social media link. The report pulls the URL of the meta data.
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
The user left a comment in the comments section on a content page. does this include feed and forum? The report pulls the text of their comment (label).
Create Account
Category | Action | Label |
The user created an account.
Dialog open
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Hand (Raise, Lower)
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
The user left a review. The report pulls the number of stars given (category) and the text response (label).
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Schedule (Start, Complete)
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Session (Attend, Joined, Left)
Category | Action | Label |
The user clicked the Attend button on a session to add it to their schedule. Includes public sessions and private meetings (1:1 meetings). The report pulls the name of the session (label).
Category | Action | Label |
The user entered a session while it was live. Includes public sessions, sub-breakouts, and private meetings. The label for sub-breakouts looks like this: Breakout from [Session name] [#ID]. The ID number indicates ___
Category | Action | Label |
The user left a session, whether in the middle of the session or because it ended. Includes public sessions, sub-breakouts, and private meetings.
Talk Now (Requested, Accepted, Canceled)
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
A user accepted a call from the Talk now button. (is this only for exhibitors? or the phone button in direct messaging?) The word user
Category | Action | Label |
Track (Started, Next)
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Update Details
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |
Category | Action | Label |