To build your own module, start by choosing a layout. This guide lists all layouts and their configuration options. Go to our demo site to see the modules in action.
How to choose a module layout
Modules are grouped into two categories: Rotators and grids.
Rotators scroll horizontally to show many items in a single row. They’re best for fitting a lot of content into a small vertical space. Grids show items in a grid pattern. They’re best for making sure items are always visible on the page.
Follow these suggestions to select a specific module based on your content:
To highlight featured content…
Featured rotators show any content in a large banner.
Billboard rotators show advertisements or other content in a skinny banner.
To list sessions…
Square rotators and Two-column grids show any specified sessions.
Search grids add a search bar and filter to a collection of sessions.
To list exhibitors, courses, or library content…
Square rotators, Two-column grids, and Multi-column grids show any specified content.
Search grids add a search bar and filter to a collection of content.
To list speakers…
Round rotators and Round grids show any specified speakers.
Round search grids add a search bar and filter to a collection of speakers
Featured rotator
The featured rotator is a large banner used for featured content. It showcases one item at a time as it rotates. You can turn this module into a static banner image by only including one item total.
An example featured rotator. See the configuration options above.
Billboard rotator
The billboard rotator is wide and skinny. It’s typically used for advertisements. It showcases one item at a time as it rotates. You can turn this module into a static banner image by only including one item total.
An example billboard rotator. See the configuration options above.
Square rotator
The square rotator showcases multiple items at once as it rotates. You can choose to show 3 or show 4.
An example square rotator. See the configuration options above.
Round rotator
We recommend only using this module to showcase speakers. It showcases multiple speakers at once as it rotates. You can choose to show 3 or show 4.
An example round rotator. See the configuration options above.
Two-column grid
Also known as Square Grid.
This grid is always two columns wide.
An example two-column grid. See the configuration options above.
Multi-column grid
Also known as Grid Image.
This grid can have 2-5 columns. We don’t recommend using this module for sessions because it doesn’t include the session status (like Live or Past) or type (like Main stage or Panel).
An example multi-column grid. See the configuration options above.
Round grid
We recommend only using this module to showcase speakers. This grid can have 2-6 columns.
An example round grid. See the configuration options above.
Search grid
The search grid includes a search bar and filter options. This grid can have 2-5 columns.
An example search grid. See the configuration options above.
Round search grid
We recommend only using this module to showcase speakers. It includes a search bar and filter options. This grid can have 2-5 columns.
An example round search grid. See the configuration options above.