This article is about the new JUNO learning management system (LMS). If you don’t see these features on your site, your platform still uses the legacy JUNO courses.
You can control how, when, and how many learners can enroll in courses.
Before you begin
Open the course editor to follow these instructions.
Remember to click Save at the top of the page before going to a different tab in the editor. Otherwise, you’ll lose your changes.
About enrollment and the waitlist
Everyone must enroll in a course before starting it. Learners can enroll themselves, or you can require someone else (like a teacher or school administrator) to enroll them. In JUNO, Managers are a special user type who can enroll learners, but they can’t edit the enrollment settings described on this page.
If the course fills up, learners are added to a waitlist.
To learn more, see Enroll in a course or join the waitlist and Enroll, unenroll, and waitlist learners.
Require enrollment requests or allow self-enrollment
A course can be set up in one of two ways:
Require enrollment requests. Managers are required to enroll learners so that they can take the course.
Allow self-enrollment. Learners can enroll themselves and start the course.
In the Course Info tab, under Rules, toggle Require enrollment requests on or off. When it’s off, self-enrollment is allowed.
Set an enrollment capacity
You can set an enrollment capacity to limit how many learners are in the course. Any learners enrolled past that number are added to a waitlist. When someone is unenrolled, the learner at the top of the waitlist is automatically moved to the enrolled list.
In the Course Info tab, under Enrollment Capacity, type a number. If you leave it at 0, there is no maximum capacity.
Set enrollment dates
Learners can only enroll or be enrolled within a certain time period. Outside of the enrollment period, learners cannot be enrolled, unenrolled, added to the waitlist, or removed from the waitlist.
In the Course Info tab, under Dates, set these two dates:
Open Enrollment Date: When learners can start being enrolled.
Close Enrollment Date: When learners can no longer be enrolled. If you don't want enrollment to end, make this the same as the End Date.