This article is about the new JUNO learning management system (LMS). If you don’t see these features on your site, your platform still uses the legacy JUNO courses.
If a course is graded, you can pass or fail and earn course credits. This article explains how grading works.
Earn points for questions
You earn points when you answer questions correctly. An incorrect answer is worth nothing. Each question might be worth a different number of points. (It depends on how the course was set up.)
Passing or failing
Grades are calculated for each lesson within a course, then those grades are averaged to determine your grade for the whole course.
Lesson grades
A lesson grade is calculated like this: Sum of points earned / Total points possible = %. Your grade must meet or exceed the set passing percentage in order to pass.
When you select Next Lesson to complete the lesson, a pop-up lets you know if you passed or failed, and what your grade is. If you fail a lesson, you still go on to the next one.
Total course grade
The total course grade is calculated by averaging all lesson grades. Your grade must meet or exceed the set passing percentage in order to pass.
When you select Complete Course at the end, a pop-up lets you know if you passed or failed, and what your grade is. You earn course credit points when you pass a course.