Every JUNO site comes configured with default settings based on common needs or best practices.
But you can
make changes to fit your needs! The guides below will help you answer the question, “Can I change that?”
Some big-picture decisions are made with the Site Structure Workbook. These pages cover additional options.
These pages are detailed reference guides. If you’re happy with JUNO’s default settings, you might not need to look at them
Based on your unique needs, the JUNO team might recommend some configuration options.
When to use:
wondering if you can change a specific thing - find the page then find the element
curious what your options are in general - browse the pages to see if anything sparks ideas for your site
How changes are made:
Unless specified, the JUNO team helps you make these changes on the back end.
Tell your JUNO team representative – is there any process for this, as in, when do they need to report config decisions? When would we recommend looking at these docs-- the beginning? Middle? Throughout, whenever they discover how something works and wonder if they can change it?
How to use these guides
Grouped into site pages or features
Changeable elements of the page are identified in screenshots.
When to use the configuration guides
Remember, the JUNO team will walk you through the most important decisions for your site. Most of these configuration options are supplemental and optional. But feel free to check out the guides to:
Find out if a specific design element or functionality can be changed.
Browse your options and get new ideas for your site.
The JUNO team makes these configuration changes on the back end unless otherwise specified in these guides. Tell your JUNO team representative about any configurations you’d like.
Configuration guides
Child pages (Children Display) |
Tips for using the guides
On each page, you’ll find screenshots that identify configurable elements. Below the screenshot, tables list
available options for each element.
Each option is marked by a symbol:
Child pages (Children Display) |
Add character limit to every lang option in client docs
Info |
A note about text elements: Most text on your site can be changed. But in these guides, we only list the most common changes. (For example, Change countdown timer text.) Don’t hesitate to ask about any other text changes you’d like. |
A simplified example of what you’ll see in the guides.