This guide will explore how to create and manage prerequisites from different areas around the platform. Prerequisites are essential for ensuring learners have met specific requirements before enrolling in a course.
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Creating a prereq in Das admin
Access the Prerequisites tab in the Learning section of Das Admin.
The title of the prerequisite.
The associated equivalencies.
The count of courses linked to each prerequisite.
Creating a prerequisite from the
course editor
Select the Create a Prerequisite button.
When the Create a Prerequisite window opens:
Give your prereq a Title in the Prerequisite Title field.
Use the Equivalent(s) Dropdown to add course equivalents
Select the Save button to complete the initial setup.
If a learner attempts to enroll in a course with a prerequisite, they can only do so if they have completed the courses listed that grants them that Prerequisites. This ensures that learners have met the necessary prerequisites before enrolling. Learn more about what learners see when interacting with prerequisites.
Equivalency considerations
Equivalencies are also taken into account. If Prerequisite 1 is listed as a requirement on a course and Prerequisite 2 is an equivalent of Prerequisite 1, learners can complete either Prerequisite 1 or Prerequisite 2 to meet the requirement for that course.Learn more about what learners see when interacting with prerequisites.