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NAR Splits: [{“SaleableItem…”}] (there will be a whole bunch of text in here, we just want to see more than empty brackets.
❗Exception: Splits only work for customers using NAR eCommerce gateways. If an association is not using eCommerce, this should be blank.
Setup → Finance → General Settings
5.5. Refund Type
Query Says
Refund Type
NULL, 0, 1
We Want
Refund Type: 1
A Refund Type of 1 indicates that the customer is using the Open Balance refund setting. When creating a refund, this setting allows an association staff member to reopen the invoice associated to the refunded payment or to write off the original invoice.
When would a staff member choose to do one or the other?
Reopen Invoice
Useful if a member paid with the wrong credit card or does not yet want to pay an invoice for tax purposes.
Write Off Original Invoice
Useful if the association no longer expects to receive money for a particular transaction. This may happen if a member cancels an event registration or store order.
6. Real Estate Integration Membership Automation
Query Says
Membership Automation
NULL, [{“MembershipTypeId…”}]
We Want
Membership Automation: [{“MembershipTypeId…”}]
Automation saves our customers time when they suspend agents. Staff don’t have to remember to disable access to their MLS, NRDS, or Lockbox services after suspending or dropping member. Members are also automatically un-suspended after they pay their overdue invoices.
7. Info Hub View for Brokers/DRs
Query Says
Show Related Contact Invoices
true, false
Show Related Contact Invoices by Default
true, false, NULL
We Want
Show Related Contacts' Invoices: true
Show Related Contacts' Invoices by Default: depends
Since brokers are financially responsible for their agents, they should be able to see any open invoices for their agents. Associations can choose whether brokers should see these invoices by default or if brokers have to enable that view. Whether this should be on by default partially depends on the severity of the association’s suspension process. If all of a broker’s agents will be suspended if just one agent hasn’t paid, it’s likely better to have default to showing all invoices.
Setup → Finance → General Settings
8. Default Calendar
Query Says
Default Calendar
NULL, 4-digit number (e.g., 2291)
# of Calendars
Any whole number
We Want
If # of Calendars = 1
Default Calendar: 4-digit number
If # of Calendars > 1
Default Calendar: Optional
If an association only has 1 calendar, that calendar should be set to the default. This saves association staff a step every time they create an event and eliminates one reason why a newly-created event may not appear on their website or info hub calendars.
9. Continuing Education Setup
Query Says
Has Continuing Ed
NULL, 2048
# of Components
NULL, Any whole number
AutoEnroll Certifications
NULL, true, false
Default Certification
NULL, Any whole number
We Want
If Has Continuing Ed = NULL
None of this matters, the customer does not have this module
If Has Continuing Ed = 2048
# of Components: Any whole number
AutoEnroll Certifications: true
Default Certification: Any whole number
If a customer doesn’t have the Continuing Ed module we don’t care about other related setup.
10. Membership Recalculation
Query Says
Membership Recalculation
true, false
We Want
Membership Recalculation: true
This global setting allows our customers to turn on recalculation for specific membership types. Since a typical association membership has national, state, local, and other fees, it’s likely that one or more of these will change every year. Enabling recalculation for that membership type makes it easy for associations to bill the correct amount every year without lots of extra help from support.
11. Join Multiple Membership Types on Application
Query Says
Multiple Memberships on ApplicationNULL, true, false
We Want
Multiple Memberships on Application: true (but it also depends)
Ideally an association is using the application and members can join with an MLS, Lockbox, and/or Association membership (national, state, and local) all at once. true indicates that the customer is up and running with an application where members can join with multiple memberships at once. NULL or false means that the association is not. This may or may not be a bad thing, just something to consider as a final check.
Where is this in the tenant?
Setup → Memberships → Membership Settings
12. Restrict Fixed Renewal Memberships
Query Says
Restrict Fixed Renewal Memberships
NULL, true, false
We Want
Restrict Fixed Renewal Memberships: true
If a customer has told the system that a membership type always renews on a certain date (often January 1) then the system should guide them to avoid changing dates that may cause data errors later on (like sending an incorrect Billing Year to NAR eCommerce). This setting only applies to membership types that have the Renew Everyone On date set to a specific day and month.
13. Active Agents Missing Primary Field of Business
Query Says
# of Active Contacts Missing Primary Business
NULL, Any whole number
We Want
'# of Active Contacts Missing Primary Business: NULL
This tells us that no active individual members who are set to sync with NRDS are missing a Primary Field of Business. This is a common sync error when GZ syncs this member’s information to NRDS since this field is not required to receive information from NRDS.
Contact Type: AgentContact Status: ActiveCriteria/Filter → Primary Field of Business Not Equals General Residential SalesWaiting on
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 74bf9c89-f3d7-3a5c-9658-b923c17995a7 key GZ-23799
14. Dues-type Saleable Items with Invoice Template
Query Says
# of Dues-type Saleable Items with Invoice Template
NULL, Any whole number
We Want
# of Dues-type Saleable Items with Invoice Template: NULL
If a dues-type saleable item has an invoice template associated to it, it’s more likely that the item will not be included on an invoice with other dues items when a customer runs upcoming billing. This is an item Hank identified as causing issues that take a lot of time for L2 to clean up.
Setup → Services, Products and Commerce → Goods/Services
15. Public Module Versions
Query Says
# of Public Modules
# of v1 Public Modules
# of v2 Public Modules
We Want
Most of a customer’s public modules to be using v2.
Our v2 public modules include often-requested features that frustrated customers on v1 module versions. Switching to v2 can alleviate some paper cuts that customers have with these older versions.
16. Event Versions
Query Says
# of Events Since Q3 2020
# of V1 Events Since Q3 2020
Total # of v1 Events
We Want
Most of a customer’s events since Q3 2020 should be using the v2 event registration form. This is a rough snapshot of a customer’s event usage so if you see a number of v1 events it may require a closer look at their tenant.
The v2 registration form was released in Q3 2019 and adds several useful features that are not and will never be on the v1 registration form. Further, not all event registration improvements are tested on the v1 form and customers may find issues using these forms with more advanced functionality. The v2 event registration form is also required for using the v2 expo registration features.
17. Individuals with InfoHub Logins
Query Says
# of Active Individuals
# of Active Individuals with Info Hub Logins
We Want
The vast majority of active individuals to have Info Hub logins. If only a half or a third of an association’s members have logins, this may indicate that the customer needs some help from us to roll this out to their members.
One of the key features of GrowthZone is the InfoHub. If an association’s members are not using the InfoHub, the association is not getting all of the benefits from our system that they can. This varies from association to association but the hub is great for saving time processing member payments or distributing member-only content through other means.
18. Active Members with Profile Pictures
Query Says
# of Active Members
# of Active Members with Profile Picture
We Want
Most active members should have profile pictures.
This single piece of data has the largest impact on a member’s (or even a stranger’s) perception of an association’s directory. The more active members that have profile pictures the more useful and beneficial an association’s web content and directories will be for their members.
19. Valid and Invalid Email Addresses
Query Says
# of Email Addresses
# of Valid Email Addresses
# of Invalid Email Addresses
# of Unchecked Email Addresses
We Want
Most email addresses should be valid. Unchecked email addresses are ones that the system has not yet checked. A large number of these may indicate an issue with the email verification service or another issue.
If our customers email invalid email addresses, they lower the reputation of emails coming from our email delivery service (SendGrid). This is a useful check to make sure that our customers don’t have a large number of invalid email addresses that could cause damage that’s difficult to undo.
20. Automated Billing
Query Says
Automated Billing Enabled
We Want
It depends. Some customers are very successful with automated billing. These are typically healthy customers who have lots of monthly billings and high confidence in their data. Red flag for a floundering customer with this enabled. A good conversation to start with a high-functioning customer who does not have this enabled.
Automated billing can save membership, billing, and accounting staff a lot of time, particularly with monthly billing. It can also reduce errors caused by manually running billing but forgetting certain members or forgetting to manually update certain members' next bill dates.
21. Active Members with Saved Payment Profiles
Query Says
# of Active Members
# of Active Members with Saved Payment Profiles
We Want
Most active members to have saved payment profiles.
Our customers are more likely to collect dues from their members if their members just need to click a few buttons instead of enter a credit card.
22. Membership Applications Configured
Query Says
# of Membership Application Forms
We Want
At least one membership application configured.
If an association is not using a membership application they’re missing out on a time-saving feature of GrowthZone and are more likely to feel like their subscription is not worth the price or that our product is not saving them much time or effort.
23. Membership Types Allowing Credit Card Payments
Query Says
# of Membership types
# of Membership Types Accepting CC Payment
We Want
Most membership types to accept CC payment. The query gathers this information in a bit of a loosey goosey way so don’t take this exact number as gospel.
If no membership types accept a credit card payment this may indicate that the customer has a deeper workflow challenge with processing and onboarding new applicants that we can assist with.
24. DNS Verification
Query Says
DNS Verification
We Want
This value to be True
It will set them on the best path to have successful email delivery.
25. Default From Email Address
Query Says
Default From Email Address
We Want
This to be from an email address ending with the customer’s domain.
So that we know that all emails coming from the tenant will use the system email settings to ensure as much mail gets to members as possible.
26. Total # of Invoices (excluding deleted)
Query Says
Total # of Invoices
We Want
27. Total # of Accounting Transactions (excluding deleted)
Query Says
Total # of Accounting Transactions
We Want