Course dashboards
Learners can Added a My Transcript button to the learner dashboard to enable each learner to download their CSV transcript.
Learners can see basic stats about their total completed lessons, courses, and credits.
Site admins and managers can download reports about their learners and courses.Added basic stats to the top of the learner dashboard so each learner can visually keep track of their statistics.
Added downloadable CSV reports for site admins and managers.
Reports about each learner:
Current courses
Learner transcript
Reports about each course:
Course details
Added links that let you go directly to a course from the course dashboard.
From the dashboard, you learners can access courses that have already ended (the end date has passed). Clicking the course sends you them to the course home page, where you they can see view the description, download the certificateresources, or download resources. You and download their certificate (if one is available and the learner has passed the course). They cannot open lessons.
Course pages
Learners are sent back to the course home page after passing or failing a lesson so that Updated the routing of the pass/fail popup upon course completion to keep the user on the course homepage. From there, they can access the course certificate if one is available.
Course editor
Updated the enrollment tab to only display close enrollment dates once they have been defined.