
  • When will scheduled billing items generate invoices?

    • Invoices with or without payment associated payment profiles be generated based on the “Lead Time Days” setting. The invoices will show up that many days prior to the Next Bill Date of the scheduled billing item which becomes the Invoice Date for the created invoices.

    • Invoices that are linked with a payment profile will be generated and will have a “Scheduled Payment Date”. These invoices have a clock 🕑 next to their balance. The Invoice Date is the Scheduled Payment date.

  • When will scheduled billing items invoices with a payment profile be paid?

    • Any invoices that have a payment profile associated will be created and the payment profile charged the day of Next Bill Date of the scheduled billing item which becomes the Invoice Date and the Scheduled Payment Date

Why would I use this setup?

This setup allows all invoices to be generated according to your lead days and have autopay accounts

Use Automated Billing - Off ❌ ; Invoice before Autopayment - On (tick)

  • When will scheduled billing items generate invoices?

    • Invoices with or without payment associated payment profiles be generated when you run upcoming billing.

    • Invoices that are linked with a payment profile will be generated and will have a “Scheduled Payment Date”. These invoices have a clock 🕑 next to their balance. The Invoice Date is the Scheduled Payment date.

  • When will invoices with a payment profile be paid?

    • Any invoices that have a payment profile associated will be created and the payment profile charged the day of Next Bill Date of the scheduled billing item which becomes the Invoice Date and the Scheduled Payment Date

Why would I use this setup?

This is a setup that is beneficial if you need the control running upcoming billing yourself but still want to provide your autopay members with an invoice before the payment date.


What happens if I don’t use auto billing but I do use autopayment… but the scheduled payment date is in the past?

If this is a situation you’re running into often, I’d recommend turning off both features. If there are scheduled payment dates in the past or today it will charge those profiles when the invoices are run

My customers who have autopay setup aren’t used to getting an invoice in advance, do I have to send them if I want to use these feature?

The Pending Delivery tab and Sales and Invoice tab both have a filter if you’d like to exclude those invoice when you print or email.

What if a member need to cancel or change their scheduled payment date?

Staff are able to control the scheduled payment date from the invoice. They can move it forward or back. Members can cancel an autopayment from the InfoHub but can’t change the actual date.

What if a payment profile fails or is declined.

Just like before, the customer will get a notice of this. The card will not be run again so how to handle those cases will be up to the business. There are several reports that can be reviewed to monitor if that is an issue.