From the Das admin left side navigation menu.
Locate and select the Import/Export section.
The Courses importer lets you import course information content with real-time validation, ensuring that errors can be identified and corrected inline and , eliminating the need to manage your CSV outside the importer tool.
How to Use:
Select the Courses content entity from the dropdown menu.
Drag and Drop or select the drop zone to upload as a CSV file.
Upload your CSV file containing course information to the drop zone.
If errors are presentIf the CSV file is missing any required Column Headers, the importer will prompt you to fix the file you are trying to import and try again.
If the importer doesn't recognize any non-required column headers in your CSV file, it will prompt you that the unrecognized headers will not be included in the import them from your import.
Once you have selected a valid CSV file, the VALIDATE button will appear if there are no errors in the import.
Select VALIDATE to open the validation modal.
Each page displays a row of the CSV with highlighted errors.
Make edits directly in the modal. Valid entries remove the error border.
Use the Next and Back buttons to navigate through rows with errors.
Once all errors are corrected, the PUBLISH button becomes visible.