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Page Properties


titlenot visible to public
titleready for review
but need to make blurb screenshots




Current and prospective Clients

Reader goal

Prospective clients: Figure out if JUNO’s content options cover their use case/needs.

Current clients: Know what kind of content they can put on their site so that they can make decisions about their run of show. (For implementation task 1.10 Run of show walk through meeting)

Learning goal: Know that there are distinct, defined content types that function differently. JUNO has more than just live sessions, but it also has specific constraints on content.


Hanna drafted

JUNO version


Reviewers (check the box when you’re done!)

  •  Travis
  •  Nelly

Review deadline

Notes for reviewers

Travis, we ask clients to read this before they fill out the deep dive template. So would like to know if you think this doc has all the info they need to fill that out.

Nelly, I’d just appreciate a quick review of the Blurb section for accuracy. (smile)

For both of you… if you have any other common uses for blurbs let me know. I still need to get screenshots for each one on the list.


Attendees can get to a speaker page by clicking the speaker’s profile photo in a session, but it’s also common to feature speakers in a module on one of your navigation pages.


  • Static, unclickable image (often used as a page header)

  • Autoplay video (often used as a page header on the home page)

  • FAQ page

  • Text links that lead to an anchor point on the same page

  • Website footer (complex or simple)

  • Iframes (?)