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Connect your stripe
Log into the administrative portal.
Navigate to the Acess Passes section.
Select the red Connect to Stripe button
Enter your Stripe Publishable key and Secret key to connect your account.
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Select manage price levels
Add a pricing level
Locate and select
Manage Price Levels
Add a pricing level
In the Manage Price Levels
window, select + Add Pricing Level.
Enter a name for your
price level in the Pricing Level Title field.
Confirm the creation of the new
price level by selecting Save.
Manage your price level
In the updated list of price levels, identify and select the price level level’s gear icon you have just created to configure its settings.
Use the search bar on the left to search or scroll through to find and add users to your price level. You can also use the dropdown menu to browse user lists.
Add users by selecting them from the search results or dropdown options.
Select the X icon next to the user name on the right-hand side to remove users from the price level.
Choose or Create a Product:
Existing Product:
If your product is already available, select it from the dropdown to link it with the Access Pass.New Product:
To create a new product, select Create New Product.
Create Product Window:
When creating a new product, a window will appear.Enter Product Details:
Provide a name and description for the new product.Save or Cancel:
Clears the field and closes the window.Save:
Adds the new product to the product list dropdown.
Attach to Access Pass:
After saving the new product, select it from the dropdown to link it with your Access Pass.
Updating Your Product's Price Levels
Edit the Product:
Once you've linked a product to your Access Pass, you must update its pricing levels. To do this, select the pencil icon to edit the product.Access the Product Window:
The product editing window will appear.Add Price Levels:
In the Pricing Details section, select the + icon to add a new price level. You can add as many price levels as necessary for your product.
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Assign Appropriate Price Levels:
Configure Price Level:
Use the Pricing Level dropdown in the New Pricing Item window to choose the level you want to add.
Enter the desired price for this level in the Price section and choose the type of Currency (USD or CAD).
Save Changes:
Select Save to add the new price level to your product.
Adding Users to Your Access Pass
Grant Access Pass:
Use the Grant Access Passto Users dropdown to find and select the users you wish to include.Remove Users:
To remove users from the Access Pass, click use the X button icon next to their email address.