This is a mobile app troubleshooting guide for the ACEP Meetings team.
Download the ACEP Meetings app
Here are the links to the app:
Users can scan this QR code to open their app store on either Apple or Android devices:
Provide this information so that JUNO can help
If you report an issue to the JUNO team, this information will help us troubleshoot more efficiently.
Verify the issue on the app against the web version of your site.
A note about Wi-Fi
For the strongest connection, make sure users are connected to Wi-Fi. Relying on mobile data only doesn’t always result in a strong app connection in large buildings and in large crowds.
Be aware that at any time, users may unknowingly become accidentally disconnected from the wifi, even if they thought they were still connected. This especially happens if they leave and return to the event.
Troubleshooting ideas
These are some common issues and troubleshooting steps that you and the user can try.