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Page Properties


titlenot visible to public
titleready for review


How to



Reader goal

Know what the different moderation options do, which will make questions public, and how to find them. They don’t want to accidentally make something public.


JUNO version


Reviewers (check the box when you’re done!)

  •  Gabe
  •  Travis

Review deadline

Notes for reviewers

I used steph’s notes from this Jira card and tested it out myself.


  • Remove Message

  • Kick User

  • Kick and Ban User

  • …Or do nothing!

On a submitted question, the 3 dots menu is open and the actions that keep a question hidden are highlighted.

These actions will keep the question hidden from the audience.

Make a question public

To make the question public, select one of these actions from the 3 dots menu, or click the buttons under the question:

  • Post Question
    This sends the question to the Postedsection where everyone can see and vote for it.

  • Ask Presenter
    This makes the question appear in the corner of the video stream so the presenter can read it. It stays there until you select Mark as Answered. The question is also sent to the Postedsection where everyone can see it.

  • Add Answer
    This sends the question and your typed answer to the Postedsection where everyone can see it.

  • Mark as Answered
    This sends the question to the Postedsection where everyone can see it.

On a submitted question, the 3 dots menu is open and the actions that make a question public are highlighted. You can also use the buttons under the question for these actions... Post Question and Ask Presenter.

These actions will make the question public.