Locate and manage your profile through the My Information button in your profile menu dropdown.


Updating your profile picture (Avatar)

  1. Click the + next to the left under Upload Your Avatar.

  2. Use the popup window to browse your computer for the desired image.

  3. Select the image and click open (recommended size of 500x500)Choose an image from your computer and select Open.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.


View or share your public profile

Under Your profile


There are two convenient ways to view your public profile from your information section.

  • Copy and paste the URL into a new browser tab or window,

  • Or click the View button under your profile link.



  • Select View to see what your profile will look like to other people.

  • Select Copy to share your profile link with others.


Edit your information

All fields other than your email address can be changed and updated to reflect your current information. Click inside any text input fields to type or paste copied information into them. Once you are happy with the your changes you have made, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the save buttonselect Save.


Set your contact preferences

You can set your availability, privacy, and contact preferences from your profile.

Select tags

At You’ll find a list of tags at the bottom of your information page is a selection of tags to choose from. Once you have selected your preferred tags, click Save at the bottom. Depending on how your organization set up the platform, you might be able to choose tags that indicate your interests, role, and more. The tags you choose appear on your profile so people can learn more about you. They might also help the platform recommend content and people you’re interested in. Select Save at the bottom to update your changes.
