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Compete against others and earn points and win prizes for participating in activities from all over the site. From the leaderboard, you can keep track of how you stack up against other attendees from the leaderboard page.


Earn those important Continued Education credits by participating in CME activites activities all over the site!

Click the CME button to access your CME page.

If CME credits are being offered, easily find, view, participate, and claim credits for those activites activities all on your CME page.

4. Notifications


SelectAllow members to contact mefromwithin your profile if you want to allow other attendees to contact you.

6. Accessibility

You can tailor accessibility based on your needs by using the options located underneath the accessibility icon such as enabling high contrast and modifying the size of the text on the screen.

7. Help Chat

Access support from anywhere on the site by selecting the question icon within your profile menu.
